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19 books I've read this year

Most of these are self help, and spiritually enlightened sprinkled in is a bit of fiction.

1. Think Like a Monk - Jay Shetty

I had to really be open and receptive for this one. It took me a while to get into it, which only told me one thing: it wasn't my time to read it. You'll often time that when you can't read something, or grasp something-- don't force it. Instead allow yourself to move onto something else until you feel called to read that. It just means you weren't aligned, aka not supposed to read it at that time because you weren't going to grasp all of its treasures. I highly recommend it.

2. Conversations with God Part 2

Never has a trilogy moved me as much as this one. (I didn't read Lord of The Rings, I only watched it... so my statement still stands. I feel that everyone should own all three of these books, and go through them with a highlighter and post it notes. Oh so many gems. I have notes all over my phone that I pulled from these books. I guess I can only describe it in one way; Life Changing.

3. This Time Next Year - Sophie Cousens fiction

A super cute Rom-com. A British Rom- com which reminded me of Brigette Jones Diary. It was fun, cute and quirky. A tale as old as time, however, it was done well. I was entertained, and found myself rooting for the main characters. Many times I have my issues with books-- after all I am a writer, and I create stories all day long, every single day-- so I am a tough critic. This one was very enjoyable!

4. Didn't See That Coming - Rachel Hollis

I really enjoyed her other ones. This one all I could remember was thinking, "How could she not see it coming?" in her first book it sounded like all she made excuses for her boyfriend turned husband who didn't seem like he treasured her in the beginning and instead she forced it... and this one is about her divorce and how she could choose herself, and how to handle things that are thrown at you. (I did learn to follow my gut with men from this because I felt it when I was reading the first book!) I don't think I'm in the target demographic for this one, but I think an older audience would relate to it more than I did. (But hey! I still learned something!)

5. The Greatest Secret - Rhonda Byrne

By the woman who first got me into metaphysics. It's all about awareness, which is a theme of this year for me. If you're open to the idea that we are all connected to the source, then this will make a lot of sense to you. If not, you might find yourself stumped. Be patient with it, she gives valuable information on it. I think it's worth everyone reading. (I believe I need to re-read it!)

6. The Secret to Relationships - Rhonda Byrne

She has the secrets of the universe and she wishes to share them with us. It's marvelous.

7. The Magic - Rhonda Byrne

May have already read this at least two or maybe three times this year. It's a 28 day gratitude practice. It's beautiful and life altering in every positive way.

8. The Client List - Lucy Foley fiction

LOVED IT! Was captivated the entire time. Endings are hard. It's hard for everyone to feel satisfied by an ending. I'm an especially tough critic so though I may have done something different with the ending, there were many twists. And it's so worth the read. Actually, I know what my issue was with the ending... it felt rushed and I wanted to stay in the moment longer. So this one I applaud.

9. How to Do the Work - Dr. Nicole LePera

One of the best books. Must read. I need to read it again. It's all about healing childhood traumas and how we're shaped into who we are by our traumas. Oh was I triggered? For sure, but I released a lot, and I have learned to embrace others and see them as their child self, in their wounds and loving and accepting them for it. Great, phenomenal read.

10. Conversations with God Part 3

Must read. That is all.

11. Untamed - Glennon Doyle fiction

The whole world was raving about this story. I loved her first memoir, and thought I'd give it a shot. Definitely one of my favorite reads this year. Such a sweet and real human. I learned oh so much from it.

12. Empty out the Negative - Joel Osteen

One can never go wrong with Joel.

13. The Girls are All So Nice Here - Laurie E Flynn fiction

Such a great book! The murder, the intrigue, flashes to college life then the college reunion. GAH! I loved it. It was so well written.

14. Northern Spy - Flynn Berry fiction

IRA. Yes as in Irish Republican Army. It was good, made me want to explore more fictional titles on the IRA. Funny, I wanted a bit more romance in it because you get a glimpse of an opportunity with the main character and an agent where it seems there could be something more. But this is more of a sisterly love, love of the country. Still worth the read.

15. Everything After - Jill Santopico fiction

I liked it, I just wish the ending would have been different. I believe most women would have liked the ending. But I don't like traditional or safe women characters. I want us to risk it all!

16. Beach Read - Emily Henry fiction

Best Rom-com I've read in a long time. Maybe ever? It was so well done. Two authors, two beach houses, two heart wrenching paths, one happy ending.

17. Your Sacred Self - Dr. Wayne Dyer

Enlightening. All of his work is so life changing to me. I was reading The Power of Intention by him and he recommended reading this book. It was a quick read so I finished it first.

18. Such a Fun Age - Kiley Reid fiction

SO GOOD. So many twists. Incredibly unexpected. A modern portrait on race.

19. Secrets of your own healing power - Dr. Wayne Dyer

Powerful. I read it twice. I think it has helped me over come many fears and anxieties. This is pure gold in book form.

What didn't make it on this list? Books I started and never finished, or books I started and have yet to finish. If I don't like a book I refuse to finish it. Life is too short to read mediocre books. Other books, I can tell it's not the right time for me to read it.

My goal is to beat the 43 books I read last year. I think I can do it!

I hope this inspires you to read more fiction to expand your imagination and books on self development and metaphysics help you grow in every area of your life!


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