Navigating Namaste: I'm lit up!
After a couple year hiatus, I feel like I am once again my spiritual, woo woo self and am returning to this site with lots of ideas, and completely inspired. I had started another blog, so you may see some of those posts on here, but I haven't decided.

I started this blog during the pandemic, post breakup with the idea that, we're all doing our best. Now, four years later... we're all still just doing our best. And now that I feel myself healing in many areas of my life, I'm excited to share my lessons, and things I'm excited about. And as always, I will do this for as long as it lights me up! I also have other projects outside of work that light me up that I want to dedicate my time to as well. But fear not, I have lots of plans and posts scheduled for this, so you will not be left out to dry.
What Navigating Namaste means to me:
You're navigating, meaning you're on a journey to reach Namaste or peace, divine, light, love within you. Namaste has many interpretations my favorites being, "the peace within my soul recognizes the peace within yours" & "The divine in me bows to the divine in you,”& "the light and love in me, honors the light and love in you."

What to expect from Navigating Namaste:
It's also a lifestyle to me. How do I navigate namaste? By reading and writing. Both bring me close to peace, fulfillment.
So you can look forward to:
Book reviews: Books I'm just gushing about
My favorite things: woo woo, lifestyle, things I'm loving right now
Posts that are thought provoking or cause some reflection
Spiritual stuff
Things that I feel moved by, that hopefully inspire you, too!
Community! (I'd love to build this into a little positive community, eventually. Book club anyone?)
Thanks for reading!
I feel so excited for what's to come. Hope you do too!