The Quarantine Cure
I found the secret to winning at quarantine, being beachside with good friends and/or loved ones...People you know haven't been around insane amounts of people. That's what I've found has made me happiest during this time.
When I'm not by the beach, or a few close people, I've found solace in writing this blog. For most of my life, I'd found that solace in working out or in controlling my food way too much so it's almost healthier for me not to bend that way. However, I find myself conflicted. I once again want to be the fit yogi/runner that is toned and feels her best. Baby steps, if I can healthily relinquish control and not be so focused on an outcome, that shall be my next challenge.
So find what works best for you. Look introspectively. You know something is right or wrong for you by the way it makes you feel. Be open to using your feelings as a guide. Those of you who are unlike me and don't follow your gut, also known as those who make decisions based on logic as opposed to feelings, I challenge you to look introspectively to find what's serving you and what's not.
To put colloquially: Find that which will bring you joy & fulfillment during this time.
Ta-Da! You've found your solution.
(Side note: The reason I add fulfillment into the formula is that joy can be fleeting, but fulfillment is lasting. And also, I will never be the "live fast" type of person, so if you're looking for an encouraging sign to continue using your vices, then you won't find it here.)
Ready to find your quarantine happiness & fulfillment cure? Remember, you have all the answers you need, inside!