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Day 23: Awake

Writing Prompt:

What keeps you up at night?

Oh this is one I can spend hours talking about. Especially lately. I know I have to practice meditation again because my mind has been an incessant chatter box worrying about things that I should leave up for the day time. Sometimes it's heart talk-- things I've chosen to ignore because it hurts to think about. Other times it's visualizing what I want.

The my other issue is that...I want to be awake all the time. I feel that there's so much I want to do. I'm always so excited for the day, that I'd rather choose being awake creating my reality, that I can't wait to wake up! So then I'm lying awake in bed excited for what I want to do and accomplish the next day. That's my type A personality for ya. I've been thinking of journaling before bed to leave the things behind me. But I'm also attempting to get myself in bed earlier so limiting the amount of time it takes me to get in bed is a plus for me. We shall see.

Let's write this to figure out what may be keeping us up at night, and how we can either just acknowledge it or how we can fix it.

Happy journal writing!


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