Day 12: Bucket list
Journal writing prompts to help you navigate your best life!
Writing Prompt:
Make a bucket list of what you’d like to accomplish or do or be during quarantine.
We're 7 months in. There's a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel, if you squint with all your might, you still may not see it. However, if you believe it will get better, so will it!
There's a lot of things I want to do, and practicing self compassion and patience with myself is at the top of my list. With that in mind, I do want to DO MORE during quarantine. And overcome fears and such.
Here's my quarantine bucket list:
Road trip to Carmel: I was supposed to do this for a friend's wedding, but unfortunately, it didn't happen. Still, I'm wishing, praying, hoping I can go soon. As soon as this fire season is over.
Try new hikes: My temperamental blood sugar stops me from doing this as it can drop at anytime. I'd like to let go of this fear of my blood sugar dropping, then being stuck and sick. Which is not unlikely, however, why live in fear or even think of the the worst case scenario?
Road trips, Road trips, Road trips. I'd love to make it to Moab for the lovely arches, and the Grand Canyon, and Zion, and Yosemite.
Get to San Diego, it's been years and there's so much I have yet to explore there.
Kayak Channel Islands
Start running again (yay Fall will be perfect for this!)
Write and finish the first draft of another novel. It has been very hard for me to do this at this time, unfortunately. Aiming to change that for NaNoWriMo
Meditate everyday!
I don't want to bore you with the rest of my list, but I'd love for you to write down your own!