Day 10: Is it too late?
Journal writing prompts to help you navigate your best life!
Welcome to Day 10! How lovely it is, if you've made it this far. It's still lovely if you are making an active effort, even if you aren't able to do this everyday. Life happens, and it's important to be patient and kind with yourself about this.
These prompts have helped immensely with getting into the habit of journaling everyday. And has helped with introspection. The best part of it is, these prompts live on, so they're always something you can refer back to when you need it.
I started reading this book by the creative writing guru, Julia Cameron, and I found a common theme in all of her creative writing books and books on being your best self. It discusses using writing as a daily sort of therapy.
I've started reading two of the books simultaneously, because you know, I'm an eager reader. And in the one I picked up by accident, it's called the Creative Writing Diet. Surely, I did not expect for it to be about actual food, eating lifestyle, but it is. It discusses that your need to snack means takes away from your creativity, and instead you should write instead of snacking. It's an expression that is waiting to come out. And once she started coaching people on this, people she knew started losing a lot of weight! Go figure. It also mentions that snacking serves as a blocking of creativity. (When I speak of snacking, I'm assuming she means the mindless snacking while watching tv.) Just some food for thought, pun intended. :)