Confessions of a Shopaholic
Okay so I'm doing a bit of a challenge. Starting today, I'm doing a no shopping (unless I decide to get a Peloton, but getting the Peloton is what inspired this challenge so we're good here.)
Actual footage of me:
Exhibit A on why exactly I need a shopping detox.
Okay so I literally already failed twice since setting this intention. Yesterday, I set the intention, and a fitness blogger I love shared this workout outfit for $28, when I just bought 2 (cute top and bottom and a romper and shoes) Nike outfits for $500. (Not to mention the $150 I had just spent the week before at the Nike Outlet.) So I thought that I'd try this cheaper outfit and if I love it, I can return my expensive (and so freaking cute) Nike outfits. (For the record, I literally NEVER return sh*t, like ever. So it's already a fail for me, I'm just pretending to have a tactic for buying an extra outfit.)
Exhibit B on why Spending Sprees have got to go
Then I started writing this article, popped on Instagram only to see my favorite fashion blogger recommend these adorable sunglasses, for $16 on Amazon. My mom just got the same ones at Bloomingdales, Fendi, and spent Fendi prices. It said it had UV protection and all this stuff. So, I was sold because I justified it by taking care of my eyes, plus it was so affordable. It'd be terrible of me not to, right? Plus I need to do a better job of taking care of my eyes, since I have light eyes and you get it. So I bought two. Two. Do I need two?
Absolutely not, as I have 2 designer pairs that I bought after getting a concussion because I needed black Chanel glasses for indoors, and then I needed bright red Dolce & Gabbana because summer was approaching, when I already had 2 Kate Spade sunnies at my parents, and some Gucci ones in my beach bag to protect my eyes at the beach.
The above is literally just a very minor example of my thought process and justifications with shopping. I do this with everything, and literally sunglasses are the one item I hardly buy. So you can imagine my closets and bookshelves. (Yes, two closets as I have a walk-in one at my parents and obviously my own at my apartment because fashion is life.) But right now, fashion isn't really life because most of the time we're just in front of the computer for days. And we're not supposed to be going anywhere, so new outfits for what?
But, I am a shopaholic, and I'm trying to change that. Actually, I retract that statement because that is an actual lie. I'm not trying to change the fact that I am a shopaholic, I'm just trying to be more intentional with my spending because I want a Peloton and I just bought a treadmill and a million other things. I have everything I need, and need to stop bringing new things into the house.
(Exhibit 3, I ran out of Mascara and bought 5 different brands to try because I didn't want to pay for shipping on the one I really wanted. So I spent $130 on mascaras, when they expire after 3 months, cool.)
Quarantine Solace
During quarantine, I have been worse with my shopping habits than usual. Don't get me wrong, I still put away money and I am definitely saving because #lifegoals duh! But while everyone is saying, "I'm saving so much," I have literally been the complete opposite.
Not to mention I live (literally) right next door to an amazing outdoor mall, and every store I've always loved. Life has been hard during quarantine, and I've found solace in shopping. But now, I've got to reign it in. So starting at this very moment 12:02 pm on Saturday September 26th, I will not spend on ANYTHING besides groceries until November 27th, 2020. Now that I'm thinking about it, the date may be kinda sick as it's Black Friday and I already know that I want to buy stuff then. But it's the only time Alo Yoga and Reformation have their sales, so judge me if you want but I love those two brands.
So what no shopping to me means, I literally cannot buy any more books, I have bought 1-2 physical books A WEEK from Barnes and Noble since they opened because books are everything and I live walking distance to one. Not to mention the ones I bought to support my local bookstore, and the Black owned book stores. So I have plenty to last me until then, plus I already subscribe to Audible and that is the one exception. It also means when I go grocery shopping, I'm only going to buy exactly what I need and not try a bunch of things, or promise to make this amazing thing that I know I wont. I'm being very strict starting now. No exceptions. I'll let you know how it goes.
And because this has been my vice during quarantine, I want to let you know that the best way to get rid of an addiction is to replace it. So I will be replacing this with writing more and working out more. Every time I want to online shop, I will write instead. Every time I want to physically shop I'll just walk, take a barre or yoga class and remember my goal. My savings will appreciate it!